
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hand-Crafted Christmas: Checkbook Covers

Here is part two of my "made from the heart" gifts, haha. My mom really wanted a new checkbook cover once she saw the one I made, so I figured, hey I'll make them for both moms. Again this was one of my first attempts at ruffling, and I never realized you were supposed to pull out the basting stitch when you were done. Oh well, hopefully no one will look too close!

A definite benefit of my Hubby working at a bank is that he was able to snag me a couple of those plastic checkbook covers for me to cut apart.

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!


  1. Those are so pretty! They might almost make paying bills fun:)

  2. I LOVE these! I don't write checks but I've been meaning to get back to using my check register so this would be the perfect project, thanks for the inspiration!! They look fantastic.

    I hope you'll come join my new one-time, year long link party featuring your most popular post! I'd love to know what your is :)


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