
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Things I Love Thursday (1st Ever!)

I decided it is time to make my blog a little more organized, and to accomplish that I am setting aside Thursday to highlight my favorite things. These "Things I Love" will be easy decorating items and tips, thrifty finds, and things in general that make life a little easier.

To start this shebang off, my first "Things I Love Thursday" item to be featured is... drumroll...


Books?? Yes Books. They are an easy space filler and can be a conversation starter. There are so many unique looking and titled books out there to choose from. They can also be mod podged and hot glued to anything!

Here are some examples of book use around my house.

I promise my entry way isn't really that bare.

Even text books can get a new life to add height.

So next time you see that box of 10 cent books at a garage sale...stock up!


  1. I love books too! You have so many cute ideas on your blog! thanks for the nice comments!

  2. Great ideas! And way to get organized... maybe I should look into that too :/


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